Health Services
There are hospitals, day clinics (walk-in and appointments) and pharmacies in Drumheller, Three Hills and Strathmore. The nearest hospital is located in Drumheller, 35 km. northeast of Rosebud.
Medical Emergencies
The student life advisor may be contacted in case of a medical emergency. Supervisors of the Mercantile Dining Room and Stage Managers have first aid certification. The 911 service is available in the Rosebud area.
Alberta Students
Alberta residents are eligible to remain on their parent’s AHCIP account when they are single dependent children under 21 years of age or are single dependent children under 25 years or age while attending an educational institution full time. For more information, see Health care coverage for students and foreign students | Alberta.ca
Students from outside the Province
Students from other provinces are encouraged to continue their provincial medical coverage and should be able to provide their medical insurance identification number when they visit health services. For more information, see: Health care coverage for students and foreign students | Alberta.ca
Students from outside Canada
International students are required to obtain health care insurance. Students who intend to stay in Alberta for 12 month of longer are eligible for the Alberta Health Care Insurance Program (AHCIP). Students who intend to stay in Alberta for less than 12 months are strongly encouraged to purchase adequate medical coverage before arrival. For more information, see How to apply for the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) | Alberta.ca
Students must note on their application any special needs or limitations and give an accurate account of their medical and psychological history, so that the Rosebud staff can make appropriate accommodation. You can be assured that your needs will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
The physical and mental demands of classroom and performance work should not be underestimated. Experience demonstrates that applicants who inform of RSA of their needs up-front, generally experience fewer difficulties and can be successful in their studies. Applicants who try to “down-play” their condition do not do as well.
The physical and mental demands of classroom and performance work should not be underestimated. Experience demonstrates that applicants who inform of RSA of their needs up-front, generally experience fewer difficulties and can be successful in their studies. Applicants who try to “down-play” their condition do not do as well.
Transportation to Medical Appointments
If a student is driven to a medical appointment by a third party, the student is expected to reimburse the driver according to RSA transportation rates ($20 Drumheller, $38 Strathmore or Three Hills, $75 Calgary) unless another arrangement is agreed upon in advance. In the event that a student does not pay the driver, RSA will pay the driver and invoice the student.
Counseling Program
The Counselling Program facilitates professional counselling for RSA students. RSA subsidizes counselling fees to a certain amount for students not covered under their parents’ health care plan. RSA subsidizes $50 of the cost of a counselling session to a maximum of 6 sessions ($300) per student per academic year for appointments made with a counselor of their choice.
Subsidy Application FormPolicy and Guidelines Counseling Program