Grades and Equivalents
Rosebud School of the Arts uses a letter grading system. Grades have the following meaning:
Outstanding work
95 – 100%
Outstanding work
90 – 94%
Accomplished work
85 – 89%
Accomplished work
80 – 84%
Skilled work
75 – 79%
Skilled work
70 – 74%
Practiced work
65 – 69%
Practiced work
60 – 64%
Passable work
57 – 59%
Passable work
55 – 56%
Unprepared work
50 – 54%
Failed work
less than 50%
Non-Grade Designations
Audit: With permission, a student may attend classes in a given course without receiving credit. A student who audits a course must attend as many classes as they are able to and actively engage in assignments and discussion. Studio-based classes are generally not suitable for auditing unless an arrangement has been made with the instructor and registrar.
Faculty Incomplete: Awaiting mark from instructor.
Student Incomplete: Student work not completed for final grade. If the student makes prior arrangements to complete a course after the end of a term, the instructor may award an “incomplete.” If the work is not completed within the agreed time, a grade of zero will be awarded for the incomplete work and calculated into the final grade for the course.
Pass/Fail: Selected workshops and many practicum courses are assessed on a PASS/FAIL basis with a written evaluation. Credit is awarded if the student achieves a PASS for the course.
Withdrew: Student withdrew from the course. No assessment given.
Grade Appeal
The basic assumption of RSA regarding grading policies is that the instructor for each course is best able to evaluate the student’s performance. However, in order to provide balance in assessment, a grade appeal process is available to the student.
If a student believes that his/her grade for a course or assignment is inappropriate, the student should speak to the course instructor within two weeks of receiving the grade in question.
If the consultation with the instructor does not resolve the disagreement, the student may present a written appeal to the education director, who will investigate the matter and perhaps ask another instructor to grade the work in question. The decision made by the education director will be final.
REL 110 Introduction to Spiritual Formation
1 credit
This is a reading and discussion class based on theological writings about the spiritual disciplines (i.e. Scripture, prayer, meditation, service). This class offers a context for engaging questions about the core of Christian faith and an intentional practice of cultivating one’s spiritual foundation.
REL 120 Topics in Spiritual Formation
3 credits
In addition to formal instruction, this class incorporates small group discussion. The class will explore five distinct streams in church history and foster an awareness of different spiritual disciplines within the Christian tradition. Students are encouraged to grow in their personal faith experience and to reach across denominational boundaries.
REL 121 Christianity and the Arts
3 credits
This course explores the broad conversation of how a Christian world-view intersects with Art making. Through readings, group discussion and assignments, students are challenged to examine their assumptions about faith and art, recognize the role of art in culture, articulate their understanding and engage the challenges and opportunities for artists in the post-modern age.
REL 321 Faith and Art
3 credits
Faith and Art looks at truth and truthtelling through various art languages. Inspiration is drawn from works by artists of faith and discussion and in class exploration center on the voice of the artist interfacing with contemporary culture. Students are encouraged to articulate their core values through journal/scrapbooking, reading and discussion, performance art, essay writing and collaborative work.
Pre-requisite: REL 121 Christianity and the Arts or permission from the instructor.
Pre-requisite: REL 121 Christianity and the Arts or permission from the instructor.
REL 322 Topics in Theology and Art
1.5 credit
A guided tutorial for advanced students exploring questions about theology, philosophy, and the arts. Pre-requisite: REL 121 Christianity and the Arts or permission from the instructor.